Amr Ibn Al-Aas Axis - Egypt

Bridges & Flyovers   ::  Ongoing Projects   ::  Starting Date : 2023  ::  

Amr Ibn Al-Aas Axis is one of the new axes implemented bythe Ministry of Housing, Utilities, and Urban Communities, under thesupervision of the Central Agency for Reconstruction and Greater CairoReconstruction Authority.

It connects the southern arc of the Ring Road(intersection with the Mariouteya Axis) and the northern arc of the Ring Road(??Monshaat Al Bakari area), with a length of 4 km and connection work with theRing Road, Mariouteya Axis, and the main streets. The axis intersects with themiddle of Al Haram and Faisal streets, passes through El Matbaa street, andintersects with the streets (El Orouba – El Thalathiny – Mohamed Anwar El Sadat”formerly Terrsa”).

The axis shortens the travel time from the Northern RingRoad to the Southern Ring Road, reduces traffic density within Giza to the freeaxes, and serves the streets (Terrsa, Al Haram, and Faisal). The ArabContractors Company is implementing a main bridge with a length of 900 metersand a width of 21.5 meters, with 3 traffic lanes in each direction, in additionto a 1,100-meter ramps.

Amr Ibn Al-Aas Axis project aims to increase the trafficflow in Giza and the Greater Cairo region by linking the north and south ofGiza Governorate, redistributing traffic to reduce pressure on Al-Haram andFaisal streets, and reducing traffic congestion in Giza, as it will reducearrival time from El Mounib to Monshaat Al Bakari and Al Tawabeq, Faisal andAl-Haram areas for 10 minutes.

Theaxis also aims to reduce the travel distance between the north and south of theRing Road, in addition to developing and paving the surface roads in the pathof the axis and the side streets, re-planning the areas through which it passesin a civilized manner to serve the people, exploiting the spaces availableunder the bridges in a civilized manner, such as parks, garages, andestablishing the necessary services to improve the environment surrounding theareas through which the project’s route passes to serve the people and users ofthe axis.

Ongoing Projects