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Code of Ethics and Business conduct

This Code of Ethics and Business Conduct explains the standards of behavior that The Arab Contractors (Osman Ahmed Osman & Co.) expects of you in your daily activities and dealings with others. The Code cannot foresee every situation that might arise. Rather, it identifies guiding principles to help you make decisions consistent with The Arab Contractors' values and reputation. You should also familiarize yourself with various corporate policies that provide more detailed guidance on specific issues that may affect your work, such as international business and marketing; Internet policy; health, safety and the environment; and human resources.

This Code serves as a reminder that belonging to the Arab Contractors involves more than just strict compliance with applicable laws and regulations. In it, we set out the principles of business ethics that must guide our conduct under all circumstances and in all countries. We state clearly that The Arab Contractors expects each and every one of its employees to demonstrate exemplary conduct based on integrity, loyalty and respect for the dignity and individual rights of employees.

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