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Expansion of New Damietta Water Plant - Egypt

Water & Wastewater   ::  Completed Projects   ::  2019  ::  


First: the project details:

- Client: New Urban Communities Authority.

- Supervisor: National Organization for Potable Water and Sanitary Drainage (NOPWASD).

- Consultant: EGEC Engineering Consultancy Firm.

- Contract type: Tender .

- Contract duration: 20 months.

Second: An overview of the project

Expansion work for the water purification station feeding the city of New Damietta to double the total capacity of the station from 86000 m3 per day to 172000 m3 per day, an increase of 86000 m3 per day to meet the population increase and the expected urban expansion of the city.

Third: Project components:

It consists of the new facilities in the station (scope of work), the existing facilities in the station (operating), and the force main.

The new facilities:

1- Filters Building.

2- Purifiers Building.

3- Sludge lagoons Building.

4- Distribution Shaft Building.

5- Neutralization tower and Chlorine Building.

6- Drying Basins.

7- Connecting Units.

8- Transformers Building.

9- Generators Building.

10- landscaping.

11- Electrical Works.

The existing facilities:

1- The turbid water pumps building.

2- The filter pumps building.

3- The workshop building

4- Ground reservoir No. 2

5- Ground reservoir No. 1

6- The old filters building.

7- The old purifiers building.

8- Alum building No. 1.

9- Alum building No. 2

10- The old transformer building.

11- The old distribution shaft building.

12- The administration building.

13- The septic tank building.

14- The mosque.

The force main :

1- cast iron pipeline, diameter1,000 mm, length 8,950 km

2- cast iron pipeline, diameter800 mm, length 0,955 km

3- cast iron pipeline, diameter700 mm, length 2,574 km

4- cast iron pipeline, diameter600 mm, length 0,700 km

5-Crossing2500 mm(pipe jacking) to exceed the force main under Damietta-Mansoura railway, Balamoun Canal and the highway (Damietta - Mansoura).

6- Installing 1000 mm cast iron pipes with flanges inside the two existing dividers under the international road.

Water & Wastewater