6th of October Bridge - Cairo - Egypt

Bridges & Flyovers   ::  Completed Projects   ::  1999  ::  

Value: L.E.300 million
The longest bridge in Egypt, 18.705 kilometers long and ranges from 14-34 meters wide. It has 23 inlet and outlet ramps with a width of 7-8 meters. The seven stages have been completed from Dokki to Ghamra, the 8th stage reaches the autostrad and all construction phases did not hinder Nile navigation in both of its branches.
The latest technological methods were used in construction, some of them for the first time in Egypt, such as:
- Caissons were pulled on shiplift to the Nile then floated and pulled to its specified places to erect piers under the bottom of the Nile.
- The superstructure was constructed without any shutterings which hinder the traffic under it, specially over squares and railways crossings. It was constructed by cantilever carriage and launching truss systems.
-Piers cloumns range from 9 to 22 meters high on foundations of precast piles (Vibro, Benito, Franky and Raymond), at depths ranging from 18 to 28 meters under the ground.

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Bridges & Flyovers