During the meeting of Eng. Sherif El Sherbiny - Minister of Housing,Utilities and Urban Communities—with his Equatorial Guinean counterpart Mr.Clemente Ferrero Villarino,
The Minister of State for Public Works and Urban Planning of EquatorialGuinea, to discuss areas of joint cooperation, agreed to assign theimplementation of new housing projects, in the national project scheduled to beimplemented with a total of 100,000 housing units, to the Arab ContractorsCompany, provided that the implementation is under the direct supervision ofthe Egyptian Minister of Housing, which the Minister welcomed, saying: The ArabContractors Company has great capabilities, and has implemented a number ofdistinguished projects in Equatorial Guinea, and we will place the agreed uponprojects under our direct supervision, and we will visit and inspect itsimplementation phases, as is currently being done with the Tanzanian dam, whichis being implemented by the Egyptian JV "Arab Contractors – ElsewedyElectric", and we will head to visit it tomorrow.
The Minister said, The Arab Contractors Company is working to spread inthe African continent for development and transfer expertise to our brothers inthe various countries in which it operates, as the company seeks to implementthe Egyptian state’s directions in contributing to the implementation ofinfrastructure and housing projects according to the standard specifications,creating job opportunities for citizens in those countries, and working side byside with their Egyptian brothers, which strengthens relations between Egyptand African countries.
Eng. Ahmed El Assar - Chairman of the Arab Contractors Company added,Arab Contractors exists in 29 countries abroad, and Equatorial Guinea, in thewest of the continent, is one of the most prominent successful examples of ArabContractors in implementing various development projects by adhering to theinternational quality standards and the realization of the vision of developmentin Equatorial Guinea.
The Arab Contractors Company - Equatorial Guinea Limited was establishedin 2003 as an Egyptian-Guinean partnership. Since the beginning of itsoperations, the company has gained the confidence of the political leadershipand the Guinean government due to the quality of its work and its commitment tothe specified time schedule; consequently, the Arab Contractors Company awarded3 first-class presidential medals from the State of Equatorial Guinea in 2008,2012, and 2015. The Arab Contractors Company has become one of the mostprominent examples of the development of the distinguished relations betweenEgypt and Equatorial Guinea.
The work volume of Arab Contractors Company - Equatorial Guinea Limitedsince its establishment until 2024 has reached approximately 1.5 billion euros.
El Assar pointed out that since its establishment, the company hasimplemented many projects, including Nguema - Copoe Road, Pico Road, theconstruction of a church and a residence affiliated with it, the constructionof 1,000 housing units in Fishtown City, service buildings, roads, raindrainage networks, water and electricity networks, the main road of Sipopo, ameeting hall, a corniche overlooking the ocean, and a helicopter landing pad.Arab Contractors also implemented a drinking water purification station inMalabo, supply and firefighting networks for the city, the construction of 2arrival and departure halls at Malabo International Airport, the constructionof King Akalyong Road, the upgrading of the Mitomo-Kojo Road, the constructionof a camp in Bata, the construction of a wastewater treatment plant in Malabo,Azuk-Akassi Road (60 km long), the internal roads of the Simo (first phase 26km, second phase 11.5 km) in Malabo, the construction of 13 buildings in campin Malabo, Mongomo camp, and the urban development of 9 Villages in Malabo andthe continental part, and the implementation of a medium voltage power line.
He stressed that work is currently ongoing to implement projects inMalabo, including the internal roads project for Simo area (second phase) witha length of 11.5 km, including rain drainage; the general site developmentproject in the Riaba farm area (fifth phase), the landscaping development inAlegre (first phase), the construction of walls with a length of 650 meters,and the project to operate and maintain Malabo drinking water purificationplant with a capacity of 21,000 m3/day.
In the continental region of Equatorial Guinea, Arab Contractors isimplementing a number of projects, including the construction of theAzok-Akassi road (60 km), Embene Roads and Electricity Project (11 km), Kojoand Kojo2 internal roads (21 km), and Andong-Baidua Road.
Eng. Ahmed El Assar stated that the Arab Contractors Company is stillworking on expanding its business in Equatorial Guinea to achieve the vision ofsustainable development for the Guinean state and to enhance bilateralrelations in the development and construction field.
#Ministry_of_Housing_Utilities_and_Urban_Communities #Arab_Contractors