September 4, 2024

New projects of the Arab Contractors in Libya

Eng. Belqasim Khalifa Haftar - GeneralDirector of the Libyan Development and Reconstruction Fund, Eng. Ahmed El Assar– CEO and Chairman of the Arab Contractors Company, and Eng. Hassan Mustafa -Vice Chairman of the Arab Contractors Company, signed contracts for newprojects implemented by the company within the reconstruction projects of Dernain Libya. These projects included the rehabilitation and development of DernaPort and the bridge of Derna entrance, which links Derna and Al Qubba cities.Following the signing, Eng. Belqasim Haftarpointed out the great importance of these projects in Derna, to facilitate themovement of citizens and promote the commercial activity in the city. He addedthat work in Libya is being carried out according to ambitious plans and isbeing monitored around the clock.In addition to theses, Libya ReconstructionFund and the Arab Contractors Company signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that thecompany will start immediately the surveying, environmental studies, andpreliminary design work for the road linking Al 'Awinat in southeastern Libyaon the border with the Egyptian state, extending for 390 km into the Libyanterritory, reaching the Chadian border at the east of Al Sar area, andrepresenting the Libyan scope of Egypt-Libya-Chad road project. The results ofthe studies will be presented to the Libyan side for approval and thenfinalizing the official agreements between the competent authorities in thethree countries to launch the work of the mega-project, which has many benefitsfor the participating countries.