May 20, 2024

The Prime Minister inspects the trial operation with passengers on Cairo Metro Line 3 Phase 3C

After inspecting the implementation work of Metro Line 4-Phase 1, Prime Minister Dr. Moustafa Madbouli, and his companions, inspect the trial operation with passengers of CML3-Phase 3C. Lieutenant General Eng. Kamel Al Wazir - Minister of Transport, indicated that the trial operation with passengers for CML3-Phase 3C began last Wednesday, explaining that this part is 7.1 kilometers long and extends from Tawfikia station to Cairo University station, passing through Wadi El Nile Street, Gamat El Dowal, and Boulak El Dakrour, which includes 5 stations: (3 underground stations, “Tawfikia - Wadi El Nile - Gamat El Dowal) + a surface station “Boulak El Dakrour” + an elevated station “Cairo University”). The visit was attended by Eng. Hossam El Din Al Rifi - Senior Vice Chairman of the Arab Contractors Company, Eng. Sayed El Wazir – AC Board Member and Eng. Hassan Ibrahim – AC Executive Board Member. During the Prime Minister's inspection of the stations of the third part, he and his companions boarded one of the metro cars, starting from Cairo University Station all the way to Tawfikia Station, passing through the five new stations of this important civilizational project, to monitor the regularity of passenger movement and the stations contribution to facilitating their transportation. The Prime Minister stressed the state's keenness to develop all means of mass transportation according to the latest systems and expand in the areas of green and sustainable transportation systems, and there are assignments from President Abdel Fattah El Sisi to improve mass transportation services for citizens. The Minister of Transport stressed that the heavy passenger demand witnessed by these new stations since their trial operation reflects the importance of metro projects in facilitating the movement of citizens, shortening travel times, and reducing pollution. The metro is the best and fastest means of mass transportation operating within Greater Cairo, pointing out that the Ministry of Transport pays more attention to completing the metro network due to its great importance, within the framework of the Ministry’s comprehensive plan to create a network of green, sustainable, and eco-friendly mass transportation systems, as implementation of presidential directives in this regard. Lieutenant General Eng. Kamel Al Wazir also explained that the areas served by this part of CML3 witnessed great traffic flow following the start of the trial operation with passengers due to the metro’s attraction to a large number of citizens. He added that restoration work was carried out in all the streets affected by the implementation works immediately after the work was completed, to serve the movement of citizens in the region. The Minister added that after the start of the trial operation with passengers for this last part of the third line; it will be fully operated for the public from Adly Mansour Central Interchange Station, passing through Abbasiya and Attaba, then Kit Kat. It branches north to the Rod El Farag Axis station and south to Cairo University station, pointing out that this line extends 41.2 km, includes 34 stations, and was implemented in four stages. Lieutenant General Eng. Kamel Al Wazir added that this line is considered the first transverse artery to connect the east and west of Greater Cairo. It is also the link between all components of the electric traction railway network (the metro network - the monorail two lines - LRT), as it exchanges passenger transportation service with the first line at Nasser station, with the second line at Attaba and Cairo University stations, and with the LRT at Adly Mansour Central Station, and it is integrated with the East Nile Monorail at Stadium Station, with West Nile Monorail at Wadi El Nile station, and with Line 6 being studied at Abbasiya station. . The Minister explained that this line includes 3 overhauling workshops to maintain the mobile units operating on the line (Al Abbasiya, on an area of 10 feddan, Imbaba, on an area of about 24 feddan, in which light overhauling of trains is carried out; and Al Salam, which is considered one of the largest workshops in the Middle East and Africa, and was implemented on an area of 65 feddan, designated for light and major train overhaul works.