President of Togo - Faure EssozimnaGnassingbe welcomed Eng. Ibrahim Mahlab –the Presidential Assistant for the National and Strategic Projects whodelivered a message from the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi about thesupporting the cooperation between Egypt and Togo within the framework of thedeveloped relation between Egypt and the African countries. Togo Presidentpraised the bilateral relation between Egypt and Togo expressing hisinspiration of the Egyptian companies' participation in the current megadevelopmental projects in Togo and these companies will be provided byinvestment opportunities in the different fields.
Togo President awarded Eng. Mahlab the nationalmedal of merit for his great role I developing the relation between the two countries.It is considered the Third recognition on the presidential level for Eng.Ibrahim Mahlab; he was honored previously from the presidents of EquatorialGuinea and Cote d'Ivoire.
Eng. Ibrahim Mahlab met with Komi Selom Klassou - the Togolese Prime Minister , the Headof the Parliament and the Minister of Transport who accompanied them in a tourfor Lome Airport, Sea Port, illustrate the current projects and theopportunities for the Egyptian companies to participate in it.
Eng. Ibrahim Mahlab – the PresidentialAssistant for the National and Strategic Projects accompanied by AmbassadorMohamed Karim – Egyptian Ambassador to Togo and a delegation from the ArabContractors Company headed by Eng. Mohsen Salah – AC Chairman.
Eng. Mohsen Salah pointed out that the ArabContractors Company exist in Togo a year ago and currently executing andincreasing the capacity of the National Road no. 5 – Lot no. 2 Kp?l?-Gbonvi?-Atakpam?in Lombo with a total cost 24million US$ financed by the Arab Bank for EconomicDevelopment in Africa (BADEA), the beneficiary is the Togolese Public WorkMinister. Besides, the AC will carry out a number of clinks and pharmacies tocontribute in transferring the medical experience and facilitate the import ofthe Egyptian medicine to the Togolese Market. He added that there is a numberof roadways projects there under study.
Eng. Ibrahim Mabrouk – Head of the AfricaSector in the AC added that the National Road with a total length 26km scope ofworks is including: expansion works for the existing road, wastewater,industrial and structural works on both sides. The project execution period is18 months.