May 20, 2024

The Prime Minister inspects the implementation work of Metro Line 4 - Phase 1

Prime Minister Dr. Moustafa Madbouli, accompanied by Lieutenant General Eng. Kamel Al-Wazir - Minister of Transport, and Major General Ahmed Rashid - Giza Governor, inspected the work being implemented in Metro Line 4 - Phase 1, which falls within the framework of carrying out directives of President Abdel Fattah El Sisi to expand the state's green, sustainable, and eco-friendly public transportation systems. This was in the presence of a number of parliamentarians and leaders of the Ministry of Transport. The Prime Minister and his entourage were received by Eng. Hossam El Din Al Rifi - Senior Vice Chairman of the Arab Contractors Company, Eng. Sayed El Wazir – AC Board Member, Eng. Hossam Fayed - JV Manager, Eng. Mohamed Abou Deshish – Supervisor of the Project; Eng. Abeer Morsi – Executive Board Member and the Project Manager. The Minister of Transport said that Metro Line 4 is the basis for linking the cities of 6 October and New Cairo to the metro network, as it provides a service to transport passengers to densely populated areas in the areas of El Haram, Faysal, El Omraniya, Giza, Nasr City, Al Azhar University, and New Cairo. The line is expected to transport about 1.5 million passengers per day after the implementation of its two phases. During the Prime Minister's inspection of El Haram, Grand Egyptian Museum, and El Remaya, to follow up on the implementation status, Lieutenant General Kamel Al-Wazir indicated that the civil works implementation rates are: 34%, 42%, and 37%, respectively, explaining that the restoration work to its origin in the area surrounding the museum reached 83%, in preparation for the opening of the Grand Egyptian Museum. The Minister of Transport pointed out that Metro Line 4 extends for 42 kilometers and comprises 39 stations, out of which 37 are underground, 1 surface station, and 1 elevated station that are being carried out throughout two phases. The first phase is carried out by national Egyptian contracting companies (the Arab Contractors Company, Concord, Petrojet, and Hassan Allam Construction). It extends for 19 km and includes 17 stations (16 underground, 1 surface) from the west of the Ring Road on the borders of 6th of October City, passing through the Grand Egyptian Museum station, then El Remaya Square, then El Haram Street to Giza Station, then extends to exchange service with the first line of the metro at El Malek El Saleh Station. The second phase also achieves service exchange with Line 6, which is under study, at Al Sayeda Aisha Station. The Minister added that 29% of civil works have been completed in the western part, and the tunneling work is currently being carried out using 4 TBM (2 machines in each direction). During the inspection, the Prime Minister listened to an explanation about the TBMs used in the implementation of the two metro tunnels in Metro Line 4 - Phase 1. The Prime Minister and his companions also moved into one of the tunnels to inspect part of the excavation work being carried out, emphasizing the importance of metro projects in achieving connectivity between various regions, and facilitating the movement of citizens, which serves development goals.

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