This unit provides laboratory services through:
- Conducting all necessary tests on various construction materials such as aggregate, bricks and tiles.
- Identifying the sources of materials used in concrete manufacturing.
- Preparation, approval and implementation of inspection and testing plans for raw materials and concrete mixes.
- Conducting tests on mineral additives (silica dust - blast furnace slag).
- Designing concrete mixes that achieve the stress.
- Conducting physical and mechanical property tests for steel samples.
- Conducting destructive and non-destructive tests on various structural elements to evaluate them technically from a structural perspective.
- Preparing a documented work system and adhering to it by the executive bodies and the company's laboratories.
- Providing and ensuring to develop a documentation system and ensuring its adherence by the executing parties and the company’s laboratories equipment at the central/subsidiary laboratory.
- Conducting periodic calibrations on laboratory equipment according to the calibration plan.